Find Your Tribe

I am so excited for 2018! As you may recall, 2017 kicked my ass. I mean--I think it kicked a lot of people's asses, but with Scott (my husband) coming close to dying from sepsis...and then just as things were getting back to normal he severely broke his leg...and two of our dogs died. Anyway. I'M READY FOR 2018!

Sometimes life flows and sometimes it ebbs. Last year, in terms of Vibrant Living, things ebbed. And that's okay. I've still been coaching private clients every week which is good for my soul and means I continue to grow my coaching skills. And I also got really clear on who I am and what I stand for in this world. I feel like my business was a like a big ocean liner that I decided to make a U-turn with. It took time! But I did it and now the ship is moving in the right direction.

What are some of the things I stand for? Here's a short list:

  • Kindness above all. I truly believe that kindness is our Super Power.

  • Women are badass.

  • There's a lot of phenomenal men out there, too, and I love creating a new paradigm of equality and respect with them.

  • Women have been fed a load of shit around beauty and our bodies and we've bought into it. It's keeping us down and holding us back and whatever I can do to set us free from that oppressive model I'm going to do.

  • Health is much, much more than good cholesterol and low blood pressure. The concept of health must include mental well-being, emotional well-being, access to opportunity, sense of belonging, freedom from oppression...and many more things.

  • Our value is not in how we look. Our value is in how we live our lives and what we bring to the world.

  • Now more than ever, I believe women are being called to stand up and step up into their power. The world is dying for the feminine.

Over the course of 2018 I'll get into detail with you about all these. You may have questions! You may have thoughts! I'm excited!

If any of this resonates with you, then AWESOME! And if you're soooooo not into it, that's okay, too! Straight up: I'm going to be writing more about this stuff this year and if you feel you need to leave this mailing list because it's not your groove I completely understand (and I will be sad to see you go--but ultimately I want you to take care of YOU. Self-care!)

For those of you that are excited about any of this, I invite you to join me this coming Saturday, January 13th, for my first ever Virtual Goddess Gathering! WOOT WOOT! The purpose of this is my drive, passion, desire...and, yes, my obsession to bring like-minded women together to lift each other up and help us all SHINE. I'm going to be doing several of these throughout 2018 and they are all free. I know the power of coming together and it ROCKS. Women are unstoppable when they are in community.


Date: Saturday, January 13th, 2018

Time: 10am PST, 12pm CST, 1pm EST

Place: Your cozy sofa in your warm home via Zoom video conferencing!

Click here if you want to sign up. And yes, please share this with other women you know looking for their tribe.

Here's to a new year of shifts and transformation,




Soul Song Sunday


Join Me for a Goddess Gathering!