One of My Main Ingredients for Creating Change

If you know me, then you've heard me say this many times over--kindness is our super power. And it is. You may roll your eyes at that--do you? Or you may go, "Yeah, yeah...kindness...of course, yes." And then not really think about it.

In my mind, I have this story going that most people are thinking, "Yes, yes...kindness...kind of cheesy don't you think?"


But because I believe in this so deeply, and so powerfully, I am going to keep talking about it! Because kindness is SO INCREDIBLY POWERFUL.

Kindness CHANGES THE WORLD FOR BETTER. And the world could use some change for the better, don't you think?

LET'S START A MOVEMENT!! #kindnessisyoursuperpower

QUESTION: How much consciousness to you bring in your daily life to being kind?

ANOTHER QUESTION: Name an instance when your day was positively affected by an act of kindness (reply to the email and let me know the answer, please).

The simple act of kindness (simply smiling at a stranger) is monumental. Think David against Goliath--David is the kindness coming up against the rage and insanity of the planet. Small things make a difference. Small things CHANGE THINGS.

As a coach, one of my favorite sayings is, "Small hinges swing big doors." That's a truth bomb for you!


  • Sometimes we all could use some ideas!

  • Pay for someone's coffee

  • Give a stranger a compliment

  • Leave money in a vending machine

  • Leave inspirational post-its in public places

  • Compliment someone about a job well done

  • Let someone cut in line in front of you

  • Leave an extra tip for a service worker

  • Make eye contact with a service worker and really see them--smile!

QUESTION--what ideas and thoughts do you have about being kind/bringing kindness to the world? (Reply and let me know!)

EXTRA CREDIT: Post about your kindness on social media! Encourage others to do the same (remember--let's start a movement)! Please TAG ME on Instagram when you do that (@elijahshannonselby) and hashtag it with #kindnessisyoursuperpower (I'm going to be searching for that hashtag on IG and FB!)

Speaking of Instagram--here's a recent post I made about KINDNESS being a SUPER POWER!




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